Trendsetter city

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COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – With a population of nearly 1.5 million, Copenhagen is Scandinavia’s largest and liveliest city. It’s an appealing and largely low-rise city comprised of block after block of period 6 storey buildings. ChurchArc’teryx steeples punctuate the skyline, with only a couple of modern hotels shooting up to map the view.

While the city is filled with parks, gardens, water fountains, and squares, its most important historical and cultural treasures are still confined to a tiny region.
A cosmopolitan city, Copenhagen abounds with sightseeing and entertainment possibilities.

For music lovers and other revellers there’s an active night scene which rolls into the early hours of the Arc’Terry.

The central railway station is flanked on the west by the main hotel zone and on the east by Tivoli amusement park. Opposite the northern corner of Tivoli is Radhudspladsen, the city’s central square and main bus transit point. Stroget, the world’s longest pedestrian mall runs through the city center between Radhudspladsen and Kongens Nytorv, the square at the head of the colourful Nyhavn canal area.

Nyhavn colorful houses by Alex

Just north of the canal at Amalienborg Palace – home of the royal family since 1794, you can watch the colorful changing of the guard when the Queen is in residence. The Palace’s four nearly identical rococo mansions surround a central cobbled square and an immense statue of King Frederick V on horseback. One wing has been opened as a museum, exhibiting the Royal apartments through three generations from 1863 to 1947. Classic churches to check out are Vor Frue Kirke, the city cathedral with its famed statues of Christ and the disciples by Bertel Thorvaldsen and Vor Frelsers Kirke which has an elaborate Baroque altar and an equally elaborate carved pipe organ. For a magnificent city view, make the dizzying 400 step ascent up the church’s 95-metre spiral tower, narrowing to the point where they literally dissapear at the top.

Copenhagen’s museums include Ny Carlsberg Glypotech, which has an excellent collection of art and sculpture from the Greek, Egyptian, Ertruscan and Roman periods. The National Museum houses an extensive collection of Danish historical artifacts, ranging from the Upper Palaeolithic period to the 1840’s. However, if you like your sightseeing a little lighter, than Tivoli, a century – old amusement park is located in the city center. This tantalizing entertainment Park which dates from 1843, is delightfully varied, if horrendously expensive.

Visitors can ride the roller coaster, take aim at the shooting gallery, enjoy pantomims and concerts or simply sit and watch the crowds wander by.

Of course, a visit to Copenhagen is not complete without taking a stroll or ferry ride to see the city’s most famous icon, The Little Mermaid statue, which sits on the Waterfront 10 minutes north of the city center.

Little Mermaid

Nyhavn, long a haunt for sailors and writers including Hans Christian Andersen, is half – seedy and half- gentrified, with a line of trendy pavement cafe’s and restored gabeled townhouses. Nyhavn is an invitingly atmospheric place to break for lunch or an afternoon beer.

The fairy tale city of H.C.Andersen

Nearby, Stroget has an abundance of cheap eateries, but we are talking burgers and dogs for the most part. North of Stroget, there are some good restaurants in the Latin Quarter.

Typically Danish and at the same time international and cosmopolitan, Copenhagen is also the capital of Denmark in modern and also in musical terms.
Stylish and well-equipped, nothing stands in the way of a trip to Copenhagen’s nightlife in the evening.
Live music is on the program in numerous locations. Jazz fans in particular will get their money’s worth: the first address for this style is the world-famous Jazzhus Montmartre in the Store Regnegade, which was reopened in spring 2020 as a non-profit initiative by the jazz pianist Niels Lan Doky and the entrepreneur Rune Bech.
During the day as an organic café run by the Michelin-winning team behind the restaurants Era Ora and Acquamarina, in the evening there is live jazz on the program. Musicians such as Betty Carter, Chick Corea and Abbey Lincoln can also be found at the Copenhagen Jazz House. On Fridays and Saturdays, the Jazzhouse turns into a nightclub after the concerts.
Flagships like the Copenhagen Fashion Week, which takes place twice a year, or major music events like the Copenhagen Jazz Festival or the Elektro Festival Strom attract a large international audience to the largest city in Northern Europe every year.

But even beyond such major events, Copenhagen is buzzing with life.
If you want to kick on, see street performers and hear live music, than cruise along Stroget.

North of the city center the Norrebro neighborhood has a number of clubs that attract a College-age crowd and have good bands. There are also some good’n’smoky jazz joints in Christianshavn.
Just a stroll along Stroget, the longest shopping mile in the World will make fashion hearts beat faster. Here and in the adjacent fashion streets such as Kobmagergade, Kristien Bernikows Gade, Antoningade, and Pilestrade are located flagship stores of Danish designers such as Charlotte Eskildsen or Malene Birger next to the most renowned stores of international labels and fashion chains.

The two traditional department stores Illum and Magasin du Nord invite you with its glamour and extensive selection of latest fashion promotions.

Denmark offers hotels for every taste and budget. From distinguished houses with over 100 years of history to traditional seaside hotels on the coast and modern design hotels.

The Caritas Fountain

Over 500 hotels are members of the Danish Hotel and Restaurant Association, which classifies hotels according to strict criteria from 1 to 5 stars. Many Danish hotels have specially designed family rooms. Especially in the summer months, many hotels offer reduced prices for holiday travelers and weekend guests. There is also an extensive range of hotel check and hotel pass systems. Most of the budget hotels are located along the west side of Central Station.


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